Love To Laugh - Love affairs and humorous stories
Mai 2022: Chorkonzert „Love To Laugh – Love affairs and humorous stories“
Leitung: Carolin Hlusiak
Lana Sophie Westendorf (Sopran), Laura Mercedes (am Flügel)
Universitätschor Clausthal / Kammerchor an der TU Clausthal e.V.
07.05.2022: Aula Academica der TU Clausthal
08.05.2022: Rittersaal im Museum Schloss Herzberg am Harz
A-cappella Konzert mit Begleitung, Englische Chormusik von der Renaissance bis zur Neuzeit
John Hilton (1599-1657): „Come follow me“
Thomas Morley (1557-1602): „Now is the month of Maying”, „April is in my Mistress´ face”
John Dowland (1562-1626): „Fine Knacks for Ladies”, „Come Again”
Henry Purcell (1658-1695): „In these delightful, pleasant groves”
John Rutter (*1945): „The Owl and the Pussy-cat”, „Matthew, Mark, Luke and John”
John Farmer (1570-1605): „Fair Phyllis”
Mátyás Seiber (1905-1960): Three Nonsense Songs („There was an old lady of France”, „There was an old Person of Cromer”, „There was an old Man in a tree”)
George Harrison (1943-2001): „Here comes the sun”